Friday, October 26, 2007

I think that we rever the intelligence of the Doctors who treat our problems--but they are not Gods. I also think we all believe that somehow living in this wonderful country will allow us the best. Somehow--those do not work together. In spite of the anger I will get from stating this--CEOs, Presidents, and Doctors are not the final judge. I think we all need to know our own bodies--and just like personalities--they are all different. Doctors treat what is most likely, CEOs are interested in the bottom line, Judges look only at the Law and it's retoric. Most of us live in a world where things surprise us--sometimes not pleasantly. Take care--and I would say--savor the surprises
I am appalled at the medical community that allows the private sector to determine benefits. I have a retirement contract that suppossedly guaranteed my medical benefits until my death. They also said I would have insurance until I died. ATT--has now reniged on their benefits--giving me a 1100$ deductable and medicare is no better. I buy my one drug at Walmart for 4$ a month. Believe me--if I had really understood how horrid ATT was--I would have gotten another job. It is the worst place to work--Alexander Graham Bell is rolling--not to mention Charlie Brown. I had the worst bosses, the least respect--but I had hoped to come to a good retirement--now they are ruining my "golden Years" by giving me less and less, raising my rates for an insurance I do not have--ATT is a horrid corporation